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2024 Summer Camp



 6-17 to 6-29  (2 weeks) 

 7-08 to 7-26  (3 weeks)  

和戶外教學, 讓孩子的暑期充實又健康快樂。


5 to 11 yrs old. 

Week 1:  6/17 -- 6/21 
Week 2:  6/24 -- 6/28 
Week 3:  7/08 -- 7/12
Week 4:  7/15 -- 7/
Week 5:  7/22 -- 7/26 
(No Summer Camp from 7/1 -- 7/5)

Hours:  9:00AM - 5:00PM, Monday - Friday


Weekly program

Week 1: 6/17 -- 6/21

Exploring Food & Our Health 健康美食家 

Week 2: 6/24 -- 6/28

Creative Art Adventures 藝術探險家

Week 3: 7/08 -- 7/12

Animal & Our Planets 動物和地球

Week 4: 7/15 -- 7/19

Water Science 水科學

Week 5: 7/22 -- 7/26

Ancient Wisdom & Stories 小故事大道理

Fees & Discounts:    
Full Day Camp (9am-5pm)

$450/week (field trips fees are included)

$30 off if apply for 3 full weeks.

$50 off if apply for 4 full weeks.

$70 off if apply for 5 full weeks.

Second sibling and current Enlighten Heart Student
get an extra 10% off.

Early drop off and late pick up available with additional charge.
Please email us for detail.

Afternoon Camp (2pm-5pm)

$250/week (field trip fee will be separate)

Camp Daily schedule 

9-9:30am Check In

9:30-10:30am Reading/Writing

10:30-11am Exercise

11-12pm Chinese/Math & English

12-1:30 Lunch Break/Drop off

2:00-3:30pm Hands On Projects


3:30-4pm Break/Snack

4-4:30pm Story/Reading Time

4:30-5pm Wrap Up

Vegetarian Box Lunch Option: $12/Day

Registration Fee: $40

(waived if register and paid by 5/19/2024)

Volunteer: Please apply here.


Need to pay for own lunches and field trips.

培心學苑健康安全規章 School Onsite Operation Guideline

Student and teacher health and safety is our priority.  Enlighten Heart will follow government’s health guidelines to implement and reinforce daily cleaning schedule and student hygiene rules.


Please email us if you have other questions.


您知道skittle 彩虹糖有哪些成分嗎?漂亮的顏色也會對身體有幫助嗎?來培心健康美食家夏令營,一起來認識食品的成分,學習色素是怎麼來的,還有哪些天然蔬果也可以製作顏色美麗又好吃的美食,還有好玩的超市參觀!


認識並學習欣賞中外藝術家和他們的藝術風格,啟發孩童的創作和想像力,完成自己的“Masterpiece”。  五天中會學習西東方的大師作品,參觀美術館和舉辦自己的“大師畫展”。


認識農場動物,如小雞,小豬和羊咩咩的生活。​​培養小朋友愛心並學習人、動物和環境互相關懷與尊重的重要。啟發學生思考並實踐如何與動物和諧相處的生活方法。將特別安排農場動物庇護所 “Charlie's Acre”的 Virtual tour 和 local animal farm的參觀。


小故事的角色和情節往往就在生活中,包含了一生無價的智慧哲理。營隊課程將帶動學生角色扮演,設計音樂和戲劇表演,提升表達能力和自信心,在舞台上展現自己的特質和創造力,培養待人處世的積極生活!也會搭配趣味的field trip!



學習亞馬遜雨林對於地球水循環的重要作用,參觀自來水廠認識北加州的水資源,和了解我們人體中的水循環。從中體會水資源和水循環對我們身心健康的重要和珍貴,在平日生活中實踐珍惜水資源!同時也計畫一起去Aqua Adventure,在游泳池享受美好夏日!

Student Register
Volunteer Application
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